How Cosmic Kids works as a business

We make healthy screen time accessible globally
If kids want to spend time with their screens (and let’s face it, they do!), we owe it to them to provide content that helps them develop and grow into happy adults. We’re committed to making videos that are positive, developmentally appropriate and thoughtfully produced. From a kid’s point of view though, this only works when it’s FUN. So we meet them at their level. We make it silly (even properly goofy) sometimes, and we are always searching for new ways to make yoga, relaxation and mindfulness relevant for kids.
YouTube helps us reach millions of kids, but doesn’t cover our costs
We LOVE YouTube for its power to make our videos available to billions of kids around the world. We’ve had more than 500 million views and we estimate that about half of those views were in classrooms with an average of 20 kids in them. That’s a lot of kids moving and learning about themselves.
However, since a Coppa ruling in early 2020, YouTube has been limited in its ability to generate revenue on kids content, so our earnings on YouTube don’t cover our costs.

We strike the balance between sharing freely and funding our project:
Making our films and running Cosmic Kids has a financial cost. To keep it freely available to as many people as we can, we ask people who can afford to to pay for it. They join our mission by subscribing to our App. Their support means we can keep a good chunk of our films free for all kids on YouTube. It’s a virtuous circle and depends on a portion of parents and teachers deciding to support us. (Thank you so much if you’re one of those!)
The best way to support us is by subscribing to our app
We fund Cosmic Kids largely via the Cosmic Kids App, a safe ‘walled garden’ where you can stream all our videos on mobile, computer and TV. If you love Cosmic Kids, and you can afford to, we’d love you to help us by subscribing. You get access to every film we’ve ever made, ad-free, plus lots of other great benefits. You also support us to ensure a core of Cosmic Kids content remains free to access for all kids on YouTube, and even to expand the content which lives in the public domain.
We also do partnerships to increase our reach
We’re glad to say many huge brands want us to bring a bit of our healthy goodness (and our intelligent audience) to them – and we jump at the chance to meet our own goal to make healthy screen time that kids love. From My Little Pony via Paul McCartney, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The European Space Agency and Sonic the Hedgehog, we have hung out with and created healthy content with some pretty special folk.
We also train ADULTS to be independent kids yoga teachers
Jaime started out teaching in the area where we live and we are determined to help others to teach kids yoga in their communities. It’s important that this stuff happens face to face as well as on-screen. So we have developed very high quality online training at affordable prices, so anyone inspired by Jaime’s teaching can learn exactly how she does it. Now more than 5000 people have done our professional training, and more than 30000 have done our free Kids Yoga Crash Course.